K-Heritage 총서

- 도서명 : 제주해녀문화
- 출판사 : 국가유산진흥원(한국문화재재단)
- 지은이 : 이성훈, 박찬식
- 발행일 : 2016. 10. 31.
- 면수 : 224쪽
- 규격 : 163*200mm
- 정가 : 비매품
- ISBN : 978-89-6433-146-0
2016년 제작된 K-Heritage 총서로, 같은 해 유네스코 인류무형문화유산 대표목록으로 등재된 제주해녀문화에 대한 영문 책자이다.
제주 해녀는 산소 공급 장치 없이 보통 10미터 정도 깊이의 바닷속에서 약 1분 정도 잠수하여 해산물을 채취한다. 제주해녀문화는 공동체 내에서 여성의 지위 향상에 기여해 왔으며, 해산물의 생태적 특성을 고려한 채집 기술과 어업 관리는 친환경적 지속가능성을 높여주었다. 이 책자는 2016년 유네스코 인류무형문화유산 대표목록으로 등재된 제주해녀문화의 유래와 역사, 공동체 문화의 특징, 관습 및 축제, 전승에 대해 다룬 영문 책자이다.
목차 소개
- 1. What is the Culture of Jeju Haenyeo?
- 1-1. The significance of the culture of Jeju haenyeo
- 1-2. The characteristics of the culture of Jeju haenyeo
Ⅱ. The Origin and History of Jeju Haenyeo
- 1. The Premodern History of Jeju Haenyeo
- 1-1. From antiquity to the Goryeo era
- 1-2. In the Joseon era
- 2. The Modern History of jeju Haenyeo
- 2-1. Haenyeo’s chulga
- 2-2. Haenyeo’s movements to defend their rights and interests
Ⅲ. The Sociocultural Significance of Jeju Haenyeo
- 1. Ecological Fishing Activity and Environmental Protection
- 1-1. Banned period for fishing and aquaculture
- 1-2. Badangpul kaegi and the management of fishery
- 2. Jeju Haenyeo as Important Factors in the Local and Household Economies
- 2-1. Junong Bueo: Haenyeo mainly work in the field while diving into the sea as a part-time job
- 2-2. Chulga muljil and local economy
- 2-3. Haeneyo’s income rate and level of contribution to household economy
- 3. Customs Related to Fishery Activities and Folk Beliefs
- 3-1. Customs related to fishery activities
- 3-2. Folk beliefs
- 4. The Culture and Characteristics of the Haenyeo’s Community
- 4-1. Bulteok
- 4-2. Haenyeo Association
Ⅳ. Transmission of the Culture of Jeju Haenyeo
- 1. Folklore Related to Production and Knowledge of the Ocean
- 1-1. Marine ecosystem and heuristic knowledge
- 1-2. Tools for muljil and knowledge of the ocean
- 2. Vocabulary Related to Haenyeo
- 2-1. Tools for muljil
- 2-2. Haenyeo career
- 2-3. Sea and wave
- 3. Oral Tradition
- 3-1. Haenyeo Song (Haenyeo Nojeonneun Sori)
- 3-2. Tales
- 3-3. Sayings and taboos
- 4. The Culture of Haenyeo as a Material of Literature
- 4-1. The aspect of Jeju haenyeo shaped in the Sino-Korean literature during the Joseon era
- 4-2. The aspect of Jeju haenyeo shaped in modern novels
- 5. The Establishment of Haenyeo Schools and Successor Training
- 5-1. Jeju Hansupul Haenyeo School
- 5-2. Geoje Women Divers Academy
Ⅴ. Conclusion
- 1. The Values of the Culture of Jeju Haenyeo and Their Transmission
- 1-1. The value of the culture of Jeju haenyeo as an intangible cultural heritage
- 1-2. The conservation and transmission of the culture of Jeju haenyeo
[Appendix] Glossary